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  • Improved Digestion and Uptake of Nutrition
  • Improved Weight Gain
  • Improved Feed Conversion Ratio
  • Improved Milk Production and Quality
  • Improved Egg Production and Quality
  • Increased Immunity
  • Reduction of Feed Costs
  • 100% Natural & GMO Free
  • Registration #: V21210 Act 36 of 1947
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The body of any living organism, human or animal, contains tens of trillions of microorganisms that have a vital role in every aspect of life. With this in mind, one should understand how closely the health of the animal is tied to the beneficial microorganisms in the animal’s body, these bacteria being responsible for:

  • 80% of immune function
  • Breakdown of food
  • Processing of nutrition
  • Animal growth
  • Animal Production
  • Combating infection
  • Elimination of toxins

Poor digestion lies, unseen, at the root of up to 80% of cattle health issues, including scours, poor weight-gain, stress, bloat, acidosis and even lowered immunity. If digestive health is below optimum it leads to the farmer having to deal with a host of other problems.

Microorganisms and feed are the two pillars of animal health and growth – if feed is the fuel, then microbes are the spark that ignite the reaction. Neither livestock, nor any other living organisms, have the mechanical means of digesting and converting feed into nutrition on their own; that work is done solely by microbes. What this means to the farmer is that if he controls both the feed and the microbial balance of his animals, he also controls their digestion, nutrition and health.

Pro-Livestock is a complete microbial management solution containing the full range of live beneficial micoorganisms, lactic acid and naturally-produced enzymes that mirror the chemical processes of the rumen. Pro-Livestock is a liquid solution that is simply mixed in with the feed or lick, giving you the means to naturally control digestion and influence growth and health.

Pro-Livestock is not a regular probiotic supplement – it is a combination of multiple species of the natural bacteria that animals should be getting as a part of their diet in a natural environment. Efficient Microbes Pro-Livestock works to dominate the animal’s system, eliminating harmful bacteria and benefiting the system in a multitude of ways. Pro-Livestock is registered with the Department of Agriculture as a natural feed supplement under Act 36 of 1947.

The potential results from adding this wide range of natural microorganisms to the diet of livestock or poultry are some or all of the following:

  • Improved digestion and utilization of nutrition
  • Improved Feed Conversion Ratio
  • Improved milk or egg production
  • Improved weight gain throughout the year
  • Increased immunity
  • Reduction of feed costs


Purified Water, Kelp, Sugar Cane Molasses, Natural Sea Salt. Made with a Blend of Efficient Microbes Cultures (species listed below).

Species: Bacillus subtilis, Bifidobacterium animalis, B. bifidum, B. longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. fermentum, L. plantarum, Lactococcus lactis, Saccharomyces cerevisae, Streptococcus thermophilus

  • Not Genetically Modified – all species are naturally occurring
  • Not chemically synthesized
  • Contains only the microorganisms that are listed on the United States FDA’s GRAS List (Generally Recognized As Safe)
  • Contains NO Alcohol, Sodium Bicarbonate or Charcoal
  • Contains NO Artificial Flavors, Sweeteners or Colors

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