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Our New Factory

In April this year Efficient Microbes moved its premises to a new factory. One of the reasons for the move was to expand our factory – our previous factory had become too small and had insufficient space for the production lines needed in order to keep expanding.

I spoke to Grant Morgan, our Technical Director at Efficient Microbes, about the factory move and the reasons for the expansion and in what way the expansion will benefit our customers.

efficient microbes

What has changed for Efficient Microbes being in the new premises?
Efficiency mainly. We are much more organized, have much better control over production and can plan more effectively. This reduces wasted time which means we are more productive and can deliver to our clients faster. Better controls mean less errors on dispatches. Vastly improved Quality Assurance/Quality Control systems which removes the possibility of defects.

What is the difference between the old and new factory?
Light years apart. Having dedicated production areas and store rooms means better stock control which helps finance, production and dispatch. Hygiene and cleanliness are in a different realm. The production flowlines are all in place and every item has a dedicated place. So, the organization has been dramatically improved. All the engineering systems like power, water and controls have been significantly upgraded leading to more reliability and less breakdowns.


What does the new factory mean for our customers?
The enhanced ability to service our clients even more effectively. Our customers will be able to assign more production to us and we will be able to offer a commitment that means more processing and more delivery of finished products.

How will it have a positive effect on our business as well as on our customers?
The enhanced ability to service our clients effectively. A clean, efficient factory is huge. We will have a high degree of automation, with focus on quality as usual. Our new factory enables us to grow with our customers. Our goal is to grow and expand our business to meet the increased requirements in the industry.

We are now actively getting all the systems in place and have set a target for full GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification in the new facility within the next 6 months.


Today there is a larger focus on both customer safety and benefits. This will lead to higher demands, both on the manufacturers and the product owners, which are our customers. A challenge is to cope with these demands and ensure that we always maintain the best standards when it comes to quality, delivery and production. With our new factory, we believe we have the ability to achieve this.  

For more information, please visit our website or get in touch with us on 031 266 2935 or