We are very proud to announce the launch of a new company logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand.
In 2006, Efficient Microbes was born. This year, 2016, marks ten years of operations. We have grown and evolved over the years and with the success we’ve achieved in the first ten years, we are looking ahead and planning for the future.
It was the perfect time to evaluate our company’s logo to ensure it was in sync with who we are and where we are going. After careful consideration, we chose a new logo that represents the space we work in, but with a more modern look that captures the company’s future direction.
Changing a logo is a process that involves many steps, including updating the website, social media platforms, stationery, labels etc, so we will be implementing this change gradually over the coming months.
If you have used the Efficient Microbes logo in any of your marketing materials, please assist us in updating them. Please contact us for a copy of the new company logo in a format you require.
We appreciate your kind support and look forward to the next ten years of great success.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 031 266 2935 or info@saem.co.za or visit our website at www.efficientmicrobes.co.za.
The Efficient Microbes Team