Horses’ diets today are seldom the same as they would be in a 100% natural environment. When stabled, a horse can be given a diet that is too rich in sugars, which in turn upsets the gut flora and leads to problems such as laminitis and colic.
Horses are also subjected to fertilizers, pesticides and a host of chemicals in their foods that can be damaging to their immune system. Additionally, antibiotics can destroy the beneficial bacteria in the horse’s digestive tract, causing a situation where the horse cannot fully assimilate the nutrition from its food, opening the door to even further health problems.
Efficient Microbes Pro-Equine is a 100% natural microbial formula containing the widest possible range of beneficial microbial species, along with the minerals, antioxidants and other by-products which are produced by those microbes. The live microbes in Efficient Microbes products are self-sustaining and interdependent, and form a robust consortium which influences the horses digestive tract in a regenerative and positive direction.
The following is a testimonial we received from one of our customers. Monique shares the success she has had with Efficient Microbes Pro-Equine:
See below the “before and after” photos of Monique’s horse using Efficient Microbes Pro-Equine.
Efficient Microbes Pro-Equine will redress the balance of the gut flora, improving the uptake of nutrients in the gut and resulting in improved digestion and a reduction in feed costs. The improved digestion and nutrient uptake will also give the horse more natural energy and increase resistance to disease and stomach ailments. Moreover, the animals get a beautiful healthy coat and often molt quicker. Pro-Equine is non-chemical, not genetically modified and contains only 100% natural ingredients.
Efficient Microbes Pro-Equine has had great success in dealing with:
- Colic
- Diarrhea
- Laminitis
- Wounds and Skin problems
- Improved digestion and assimilation of nutrition from food
- Increased energy
- Increase resistance to disease
- Healthy Coat and often molt quicker
Click here to visit our product page for more information.