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The Importance of Beneficial Bacteria

This week we focus on the importance of beneficial bacteria and we share with you some interesting facts you probably did not know.

A human body is like a planet inhabited by huge numbers of various micro-creature (Yes, you have microscopic critters living in and on you at all times). In Fact, the diversity and richness of this life can rival even life on Earth itself! Inside of our digestive system, on our skin, in and around our eyes, the respiratory and excretory (elimination) organs are happily co-existing with trillions of invisible lodgers. This makes one large ecosystem of macro- and micro-life, living together in harmony. Our bodies live in a symbiotic relationship, where neither party can live without the other (Just like you and your partner– except on a way smaller level).

Here Are a Couple of Cool Facts about Beneficial Bacteria that You Probably Did Not Know:

  • The largest colonies live in our digestive system.
  • In a healthy adult, on average, carries 1.5-2 kg of bacteria in the gut.
  • These bacteria are a highly organized micro-world with certain species predominating and controlling other. Think of it as the military where you have multiple divisions of labor and rank of importance.
  • Gut Micro-flora can be divided into three groups: Essential or Beneficial flora, Opportunistic flora and Transitional flora.  
  • The whole length of the digestive tract is coated with a bacterial layer, much like a thick layer of turf on the inside of our gut wall. This coating provides a natural barrier against invaders, undigested food, toxins and parasites.


  • If the gut flora is damaged, the best foods and supplements in the world may not have a good chance of being broken down and absorbed.
  • Fibre is one of the natural habitats for beneficial bacteria in the gut. They feed on it producing a whole host of good nutrition for the gut wall and the whole body.
  • A new born child is born with a sterile gut (aka, no bacteria– good or bad). It is up to the breastfeeding mother to impart all of her flora/bacteria to an infant. That’s actually what people mean by “the mother passes on her immunity or immune system to the child” via breast feeding.

People with abnormal gut flora are not only susceptible to a whole host of bacteria, viruses and infections but most have multiple nutritional deficiencies. The most common deficiencies are:

  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Sulphur
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B3 B6, B12, C , A, D
  • Folic acid
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty acids
  • Taurine,
  • Alpha-ketoglutaric acid
  • Glutathione and other nutrients

This usual list of nutritional deficiencies includes some of the most important known nutrients for normal functioning and development of the brain, immune system and the rest of the body. And all of this starts in the flora of the gut!


As we know, the roots of a tree, invisible, hidden deep under the ground, play a crucial role in the well-being of every branch, every twig and every little leaf on that tree. In the same way the diverse and multiple functions of the gut flora reach in the body far beyond the gut itself.

Efficient Microbes products are based on a unique combination of effective beneficial bacteria that enable your body to function to its full potential. Efficient Microbes Probiotics are a 100% natural blend of beneficial bacteria that will ensure that your body is able to utilise the nutrition from the food that you eat, prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria, and create its own natural vitamins. No matter how good your diet is, or what other products you take, your body cannot function 100% optimally without the correct balance of beneficial bacteria.

The content on this page was taken from Clean Start Total Body Cleansing and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride .

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