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An Evolution in Human Health

It is a fact that the role and importance of bacteria in human health has been grossly underestimated and generally misunderstood by members of the public. This week’s newsletter will help to provide a vital understanding of bacteria in its relationship to the human body, and how the handling of bacteria alone opens the door to a new era in human health.

The gastro-intestinal tract’s healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria aid in digestion, correct pH balance (acidity), the processing of nutrients and the prevention of the build up of harmful bacteria.

The bacteria in your bowels outnumber the cells in your body by a factor of ten to one. This gut flora has incredible power over the immune system, meaning that the health of the body is largely tied into the health of the gut. This becomes understandable when one looks at the fact that there are over 100 trillion bacteria – about 2 kilograms worth – that line the intestinal tract. 

Beneficial bacteria (as well as pathogens) are almost completely killed off with the use of antibiotics, which many GP’s tend to give out like candy to patients who come with any kind of bacterial or viral illness. Repeated use of antibiotics can virtually eradicate the good bacteria in the gut, which have to build up from scratch again each time a course of antibiotics is taken, allowing bad bacteria and harmful yeasts to take a foot hold in the GI tract and multiply at a high rate.

Beneficial bacteria assist with the following:

  • Help to inhibit potential pathogenic bacteria.
  • Help to prevent diarrhea caused by rota virus or salmonella.
  • Help to reduce the proliferation of Candida.
  • Help to reduce constipation.
  • Help in digestion by altering the pH and improving the uptake of minerals, especially calcium.
  • Help to digest lactose for the lactose-intolerant persons.
  • Involved in the production of vitamins, for example, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 B12, A, D and K, and essential fatty acids.
  • Assist in protein digestion.
  • Help to clean the digestive tract.
  • Produce natural antibiotics and anti-fungals


Efficient Microbes is based on a unique and highly effective combination of beneficial bacteria that operate in a revolutionary relationship with each other and in so doing enable living organisms (plants, animals, humans) to function to their full potential on a physical level.

The fact that bacteria are able to do this is not something new. It is bacteria that allow plants, animals and humans alike to use the nutrition from their foods. Bacteria are involved in the growth and correct functioning of cells. They help living organisms to create natural vitamins and antibiotics, and are a major factor in fighting disease. To sum it all up: life cannot survive without the work of bacteria. 


What is new is the means to harness the capabilities of these various types of microorganisms in one effective, self-supporting and effective group. The majority of probiotics available today contain only one or two species of bacteria, grown as pure cultures and then freeze-dried so that they may be kept alive. It is not a natural process, and does not contain the full range of species that microbes usually interact with as a part of their normal life cycle. Moreover, these probiotics are grown in a sterile environment, with no competition, and so when they are introduced to the wild and variable ecosystems of the “real world”, their ability to survive is severely impeded.

The microbes in Efficient Microbes, however, comprise a wide range of beneficial micro-organisms, fermented together at body temperature, allowing them to grow, interact and compete naturally. This unique process helps to create a consortium of highly effective, inter-dependent microbes that have the ability to survive together in any environment into which they are placed, influencing that environment in a regenerative (rejuvenating) direction, whether it be in a human or animal body, soils, plants or water.

natural solution

Due to the increased use of chemical fertilizers and antibiotics in modern agriculture, livestock and animal health, environmental remediation and human health, neither plants, animals or mankind, for that matter, receive the benefits of the various bacteria that should be a part of the normal life cycle. The action of Efficient Microbes in providing us with mutually-supportive bacteria which have the ability to influence the entire bacterial population of any eco-system or the body of any living organism has never before been uniformly achieved. Thus, it can be said that we have reached a new era in the evolution of natural technologies.

Efficient Microbes place a huge emphasis on nature, and to stay true to this principle, our products are consortia-based. Unlike pure-culture probiotics, Efficient Microbes contain not one but many different live strains. As a result, users end up with a comprehensive probiotic that survives stomach acid 16x better than the leading brands. Efficient Microbes probiotics are non-freeze-dried, meaning they are alive and in their natural, raw state owing to the reason why they are so effective.

Click here for more information on Efficient Microbes Probiotics.