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Efficient Microbes – A Greener Technology

If one were to take an objective look at the state of our environment, our foods, our health and all of nature, for that matter, there would be very few people who would honestly feel that all is well on planet Earth.

In fact, with the ever-growing threat of global warming and environmental disasters such as oil spills, the global outcry for greener technologies and more environmental responsibility is reaching deafening levels, and is unlikely to subside without evidence of some real strides being made in these areas. But are we likely to suddenly be presented with “the global solution” out of the next international environmental summit, or is a large part of the solution going to be our own education and application of remedies that are already out there?

A remedy that is already out there is a product called Efficient Microbes (EM). It is a unique and highly effective combination of beneficial microorganisms (or probiotic bacteria) that operate as an effective group to balance and regenerate any environment into which they are introduced, enabling living organisms (plants, animals, human bodies) to function to their full potential.

EM Line

These products offer 100% natural solutions in the fields of soil fertilization, animal health, human health and environmental remediation. They are cost-effective, easy to apply, environmentally friendly and yield superior results in all of their fields.

Some of the many benefits of using an EM product:

  • Enhances human health as a highly effective probiotic supplement.
  • Improves soil quality and crop yields, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • Improves the growth and health of plants, flowers and grasses.
  • Enhances the growth, market weight and health of livestock and poultry, improving digestion and feed conversion, and decreasing the farmers’ dependence on antibiotics and medicines.
  • Has a marked benefit on the health of companion animals (pets).
  • Consumes excess nutrients in ponds and lakes, reducing or eliminating algae blooms and invasive water plants.
  • Reduces Biological and Chemical Oxygen Demand in water bodies, reducing toxins and restoring natural life.
  • Greatly enhances the recycling of all organic waste.

Visit Efficient Microbes website here

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